We are starting a series is devotions created from the sermon that was used on Sundays. Each day a new post will be added to the devotions page here. Come every day or wait for the end of the week when the entire five devotions for the sermon are complete.
Embracing Divine Transformation
Devotion 5 for Transfiguration Sunday Devotional: The story of the Transfiguration reminds us that God is constantly at work, transforming us from the inside out. Just as Jesus revealed His
Living as Christ’s Body
Devotion 4 for Transfiguration Sunday Devotional: As members of Christ’s body, we are called to be His hands and feet in the world today. The same power that transformed Jesus
The Hands of Divine Love
Devotion 3 for Transfiguration Sunday Devotional: God’s glory isn’t just about dazzling light and supernatural displays. It’s revealed in the tender touch of hands that heal, bless, and comfort. Jesus
The Purpose Behind the Glory
Devotion 2 for Transfiguration Sunday Devotional: Sometimes we need a glimpse of glory to prepare us for life’s challenges. Jesus revealed His divine nature to His disciples not just to
The Divine Transformation
Devotion 1 for Transfiguration Sunday Sermon Devotional: Have you ever watched a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis? It’s a stunning display of transformation that mirrors one of the most remarkable