Our Vision Statement

Walking together in Faith, Growing God’s Family Through Jesus

A Brief History of St. John’s Lutheran Church, “Pumpkin Hook.”

The Deutsche Evangelische Lutherische St. Johannes Kirche, now called St. John’s Lutheran Church, began in 1879 as a mission post in the District No. 5 School House in the Town of Macedon, at the intersection of Victor and Canandaigua Roads, known as “Chimney Corners.” A Lutheran pastor, the Rev. G. Seel of Newark, NY, served the infant parish. In 1886 the congregation was formally organized, and its constitution was adopted in January 1887. Sixteen men signed the original document.

In 1888 we began to worship in Farmington at Pumpkin Hook, then called “New Salem,” at the abandoned Wesleyan Methodist Church building, which was later the Farmington Grange Hall. St. John’s members who were mostly German immigrants, worshipped here until August 17, 1894, when what is now the front part of the present Church structure was dedicated. It measured 30 feet by 40 feet and was built for $1000 plus an additional $240 for the steeple structure.

The parsonage, which was erected next door on the north side of the Church in 1905 for $900, was removed in March of 1986. During its existence, it housed 11 of our called pastors and their families.

In January 1911, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was started in Macedon Center. Time passed, the two churches, which were served by one pastor, merged in1936. The Macedon Center property was sold, and its members joined the Farmington congregation.

An additional 35 feet was added to the back of the 1894 church structure in 1953-54, doubling its size. A 4,000 square-foot Educational Building was dedicated in the spring of 1963. This has been used for Sunday School, Confirmation classes, Preschool, Church Offices and many other church and community activities.

On Reformation Sunday in October 1989, we broke ground for a significant renovation, expansions, and improvement of our buildings and grounds. This project joined the two buildings, provided attractive and much-needed space for worship, Christian education, administration, fellowship, and service. On Pentecost Sunday in May 1991, we re-dedicated the entire facility in a unique worship service of praise and thanksgiving.

We give sincere thanks to God for our history and heritage and ask His continued blessing upon us as we move ahead together into the future.